Tuesday, August 7, 2007


That's all I have to say about tonight's run. There's something wonky with the gym's AC, or else I've had a serious spike in body temperature in the last few days. The past three or four runs, I've sweat so much that I'm *dripping* onto the treadmill after three-quarters of a mile, and by the end, my shorts are clinging to me. In addition to being absolutely disgusting, it also means that in order to get in any kind of decent mileage, I have to slow waaaay down, and even then, I feel lightheaded and nauseous by the time I'm through. And I'm pretty sure it's not just me, since everyone else seems suspiciously sweaty, too, and when I walked in at 5 p.m. today, it stunk.

Anyway. I slogged through 5 miles, putting me at 12 for the week and 29 for the month. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow will be better.

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