Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Long time, no type.

Ack. Just realized it's been a month since I posted. So, the very short version -- running seems to be going better, though that may be because I'm out of the overheated gym and back onto a bike path (that has water fountains! and bathrooms! and markers every half mile!). I also joined the local Road Runners club, so I've thrown weekly track/speedwork and tempo runs into the equation. Still trying to get back to 40+ mpw, without much success. I've been closer to 30 the last few weeks. But, this week I'm trying to lengthen my slow/easy runs and might throw in a couple doubles.

My biggest irritation/all-consuming neurosis right now is that I'm currently 10-12 pounds above what I think of as my fighting weight. Granted, I know that by all objective standards, I'm still quite thin, but I can definitely feel the extra weight and I think that it is entirely possible that it's what is slowing me down. 120 was a weight that I attained and maintained without much conscious effort when I was running 40-50 mpw, even though none of those miles were particularly fast. So, I'm hoping that simply increasing my mileage, without a major change in intensity, can get me back to where I need to be.

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